Achieve Your Highest Total Portfolio Value in the Long Run With Our Comprehensive Incentive Stock Option (ISO) Planning.
Through our comprehensive employee stock we model employee stock option, restricted stock and company share diversification strategies and optimize them for tax/cash-flow efficiency.
Our complex modeling enables us to compare the after-tax effects of various diversification strategies and develop actionable plans.
Some of the Tasks We Can Accomplish:
Developing goal-based and tax-efficient equity compensation diversification strategies with immediate action plans.
Comparing the cash flow and taxation results of multiple exercise/sell scenarios to an alternative investment.
Indexing strategies over a 15-year time horizon against historical and hypothetical company stock prices.
Optimizing for AMT tax efficiency with ISOs.
Illustrating stock price best cast-worst case scenarios.
Put America's Top NAPFA-Registered Fee-Only Financial Advisors to work for you.
Request a Consultation:
Some of the Tasks We Can Accomplish:
Developing goal-based and tax-efficient equity compensation diversification strategies with immediate action plans.
Comparing the cash flow and taxation results of multiple exercise/sell scenarios to an alternative investment.
Indexing strategies over a 15-year time horizon against historical and hypothetical company stock prices.
Optimizing for AMT tax efficiency with ISOs.
Illustrating stock price best cast-worst case scenarios.
Put America's Top NAPFA-Registered Fee-Only Financial Advisors to work for you.
Request a Consultation:
Zhang Financial
5931 Oakland Drive Portage, MI 49024
List of office locations
Email: | Toll-Free: 888-777-0126
Minimum investment requirement: $1,000,000 in Michigan, $2,000,000 outside of Michigan.
Investment Advice offered through Zhang Financial, a Fee-Only Wealth Management Group.